Monday, October 31, 2016



Thursday, October 27, 2016

MFA3... ops i mean MIW News

With this 2 lives i got a lot of bugs to fix,
Maru did a new Ultra to hawk and added weapon to herc ultra

Also.... removed Zoom of Ultras, it still have a zoom, but only at begin of movment, not while he attacks, also looking for some kind of universal ultra effect to add to al chars at begin.....

Sunday, October 23, 2016

The Incredible Hercules

Time to back to chars, this will be first char with custom grab/throws...
video soon, sprites by Maru

Friday, October 21, 2016

Game name and news

Warecus did Stryfe! and Maru setted a new wolrd record doing TaskMaster in less the 48 hours,
I have Russia almost done, also started to align Hercules sprites...

Wondering about game name, because im tired to explian why not marvel third alliance, well.... because corret name woud be marvel second alliance 3.... because mfa2 actually was marvel first alliance version 2.72, because it have same story.....
but now, we have a new stoery.... and.....
why not a different name instead of fix that version story?

just beacuase is a sequel dont need to had same name + a count number....
so wondering about name it:
Mavel Infinity War

thoughts or other names sugestions?

well, i read it again and it is perfect plot, i just need to put magus to be final boss,
at story warlock collect gems ( in game he send heroes and villains to do it)
then magus stole it from him...
its perfect, and i dont need to do huge changes to fit,


working on new main screen

almost done



Thursday, October 20, 2016

Rocket and news

Maru did a modern look Domino

and he is working on This Taskmaster:

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Need guys help to define teams on story mode:

Miss Marvel
- Avengers or Space team?

- X-men or space team?

- x-men or space team?

Squirl Girl
- Avengers or Street?

- Street or Villains?

- Street or Villains?

- Villains or Street?

- Street, avengers or Space?

and next video:
(looking for voice)
Sprites by Maru

Russia Maps done

Well they are villains, so they will not really join the heroes party at begin, they are looking for power gem and fighting against russian heroes.

Start on a sky lvl

Then ice-jungle

HQ entance


Get the gem

new minions soldiers:
- sniper
- grenadier

and Bosses will be Soviet Super Soldiers:
so far i have done by Jhfer:
- Darkstar
- Vanguard
- Ursa Major
- red guardian 

maybe Abomination or crimson dynamo....

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

New Replay mode

 Another room to MFA3 stages (yea, selene will be boss of hellfire, will change maps order)

a "hidden" arcade to a "secret" Stage

now all chars can play at mario stage,
with a new filtre to reduce colors and look a bit like old games

and thanos to boss

and replay will be only mode which need to beat game to unlock, also, Coulson and Shield Agents are playable here

Rogue final changes

Freeze to iceman attack, this way each power have a different effect: 
beam (cyclops)
projectile (gambit)
pull/mind control (jean)
evade (nightcrawler)
knockback (wolverine)
tracker (storm)
freeze (iceman)

Now you know which power you got when she end drain.

also fixed code to not allow you get a current power again, so after first pick chances to get your wanted power is 1/6

Monday, October 17, 2016

1, 2 or 3????


Thanks guys, so i will keep 1, with some color improvements

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Street Done

Still missing to add somes bosses, (same to hellfire), but the hard and boring task is done, (put enemys/ ballance/ made group of enemy... set walls, holes....)

This level dont use Street of Rage (MFA2) thugs, because they are so easy to beat, was fun to put a lot of they at streets and beat all, but is weird a lot of bad guys and no guns.

thanks to kenzo for that vulture find, and Maru for resize and clean his sprites, he fits so well to this 2D lvl

Now is time to focus on Russia, but maybe before that i should do one or two heroes to take a rest of boring part.....

- Cyclops new ultra: because his full bar special was better then his old ultra. but is simillar, now he does inverse movement,
- Big sentinels explode when die

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Agent of SHIELD villain?

im not a huge fan of series, actually i ony saw 4 episodes from 1st seasson, 
who is Coulson nemesis? there are some main villain?

- Maru did Punisher run
- After see my "defenders" video, i figured out how boring is daredevil ultra, and did a new one
- Incressed range to she-hulk special-run
- Rogue only steal life on her special-grab

i tink i will do another live to test soon....

Monday, October 10, 2016

NY level Plan

start at sreets fighting punks

a 2d lvl

Coulson and shield agents fight ima, 
Misty knight should help here too

coulson send to heroes ima hideout location

boss: modok

also we could have mr.hyde, bullseye, supoer adaptoid at sob-boss before, or even re-use thugs like bushwacker

more enemys or npc sugestions?