Monday, December 1, 2014


Maybe you may notice a new game release at main site, "oh no, zvitor is back to openbor?" no, im still on mugen, that was the joke game which i talked i was making, but didnt consumed a lot of time, only one week and finished it before Reed video, but Juan only released yesterday, if you want to try that, nice, but probably you will not get joke references and its mainly a sprite swap of deadpool mode at MFA2, (and zombies was made to the unfinished hell mode) ... now lets work to finish Arrow soon.....


  1. nice the zombies would be cool to a hell mode...would be good for the marvel knights you have on the roster...maybe one more knight in the future

  2. Eu amava esse jogo dos zumbis, perdi a conta de quantas vezes joguei e nunca passei daquela fase que tem os caras com a serra elétrica e esse open bor é bem bacana apesar de simples, parabéns pelo trabalho Z.
